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Hamburger buns, gluten-free

Hamburger buns, gluten-free

Item no. 43390

This gluten-free hamburger bun made from rice and corn flour conjures up delicious burgers for your guests who suffer from coeliac disease or are consciously avoiding gluten.
Nutty sesame refines the bun and gives it an American flavour.
The practical packaging in a single-variety 2-pack allows you to take the buns as required and calculate ahead.

- vegetarian
- for a gluten-free diet for coeliacs
- packed in a double pack
- for restaurants, hotels, events, catering and institutions

Hint: Baked or toasted improves the flavour experience!

Measurements: Ø 10 cm, h 5 cm

Weight 70 g, 36 pieces / carton