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Pidy quiche tartelettes, 11.0 cm

Pidy quiche tartelettes, 11.0 cm

Item no. 95733

Quiches are ‘in’ and one of the most versatile dishes in today's cuisine.
Our golden-yellow, crispy quiche tartelettes are baked using a unique puff pastry recipe and are suitable for savoury or sweet fillings thanks to the neutral dough.
The fillings can be created almost endlessly and adapted to suit the seasons.

Practical hints for delicious quiches:
- Always fill the empty quiche tartelettes with the solid ingredients first.
- Avoid air pockets in your egg mixture. Once the quiche mix has reached a certain temperature, the quiche base can become brittle or leaky due to the extra air.
- For a tasty crust, sprinkle the quiches with grated cheese.
- Filled quiches are perfect for freezing. If required, the prepared quiches only need to be baked and are ready to serve.

Dough type: Puff pastry
Filling quantity: approx. 228 g

Measurements: Ø 11 cm, h 2.5 cm

Weight 29 g, 48 pieces / carton