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Kaiser Roll Select. 4 diff. sorts

Kaiser Roll Select. 4 diff. sorts

Item no. 807

Kaiser roll mixed box with 20 pieces each in the varieties:
- Kaiser-Natur (1)
- Poppy seed roll (2)
- Sesame roll (3)
- Kaiser Dreisaat (4)

The Kaiser roll box has something for everyone. The crispy wheat yeast dough is a popular classic and tastes simply delicious on its own or sprinkled with various seeds. For the breakfast buffet, as a side dish or freshly topped sandwich, these rolls are always well received.

- A sweet and savoury treat
- Vegan and vegetarian
- Four varieties in one box

Measurements: Ø 9 cm, h 4 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 61 g, 80 pieces / carton
32 cartons/pallets