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Quiche lorraine nature

Quiche lorraine nature

Item no. 4624

Attention: Item must be baked! Baked according to the country's own recipe, the classic of French cuisine with smoked bacon and spicy Emmental cheese is guaranteed to be a hit weherever you go. Whether warm or cold - the creamy quiche mixture of egg and cream on a tasty shortcrust pastry base conjures up sparkles in the eyes of young and old as part of every dish.

- Ideal as an appetizer and as a main course
- Crispy pastry base with savoury filling
- Quick and easy to prepare

Measurements: Ø 11.8 cm, h 2.5 cm

Convenience level: ready baked , deep frozen

Weight 180 g, 12 pieces / carton
192 cartons/pallets