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Sweet mini snacks, 4 different sorts

Sweet mini snacks, 4 different sorts

Item no. 2711

The mini Danish pastries in four popular flavours offer you variety and diversity - be it as a tasty treat at breakfast, for catering during breaks at conferences or as an alternative to cake with coffee and tea. Served fresh from the oven, no-one can resist these Danish pastries. 20 pieces each:
- Quark pockets (1)
- Chocolate bites (2)
- Nut swirls (3)
- Apple baskets (4)

- finest butter puff pastry
- four popular varieties in one box
- ideal for snacking during breaks

Quark pockets: l 5.6 x w 6.2 x h 2.4 cm
Chocolate bites: l 6.0 x w 4.5 x h 2.5 cm
Nut swirls: Ø 6.0 cm, h 2.0 cm
Apple baskets: l 5.5 x w 6.0 x h 3.0 cm

Convenience level: preproved , deep frozen

Weight 37.5 g, 80 pieces / carton
120 cartons/pallets