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Rose sandwich, 3 sorts

Rose sandwich, 3 sorts

Item no. 2431

Mixing box with 25 rolls each in three delicious varieties:
- Sandwich rose buns Item no. 2058 (1)
- Sandwich potato rolls Item no. 2339 (2)
- Potato King sandwich (3)

With this mixing box you get three high-quality 97g rolls, which are made from 100% natural ingredients. Whether for breakfast, as a sandwich or to expand your bakery selection - delicious rose buns are always a good choice.

- rustic look
- full-bodied taste
- optimal for a balanced diet

Sandwich rose bun: Ø 9.0 cm, h 5.5 cm
Sandwich potato roll: Ø 10.5 cm, h 5.5 cm
Potato King sandwich: Ø 9.0 cm, h 4.5 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 97 g, 75 pieces / carton
28 cartons/pallets