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Butter Croissant Bake Up

Butter Croissant Bake Up

Item no. 1818

Looking for a tasty, savoury snack for all kinds of occasions? Then our small mini flambées with a wafer-thin base are just the thing for you! Available in two delicious varieties:
- 60 x Alsatian style with bacon and onions (1)
- 30 x Greek style with shepherd's cheese and pepperoni (2)

The crispy minis not only look good, they also score points with their unique taste. Whether as a savoury snack with beer, wine and Federweisser or as an attractive finger food - the small tarte variety is always a good choice!

- 2 popular varieties
- Attractive appearance, crispy dough
- Ideal as a snack with wine, beer or Federweisser
- Attractive finger food

Measurements: l 11.5 x w 5.8 x h 1.4 cm

Convenience level: doughproduct , deep frozen

Weight 60 g, 180 pieces / carton
64 cartons/pallets