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Party Mix-Box, 5-different sorts

Party Mix-Box, 5-different sorts

Item no. 1747

Mixed box consisting of 30 mini rolls each in the varieties:
- Mini-Vital roll (1)
- FF-Mini lye roll (2)
- Mini Maltcorn roll (3)
- Mini Wheat roll (4)
- Mini grain farmer roll (5)

The rolls in the party mix box are made from a mature wheat yeast dough, each of which is refined with buckwheat, seeds or baked malt. This creates the perfect selection of rolls for your breakfast buffet. Thanks to the small portions, your guests can try several varieties at once.

- Individually removable
- Handy size for the buffet
- Delicious variety in one box

Mini-Vital roll: l 12.0 x w 5.5 x h 3.5 cm
FF-Mini lye roll: Ø 7.5 cm, h 4.5 cm
Mini Maltcorn roll: Ø 6.0 cm, h 3.5 cm
Mini Wheat roll: l 6.0 x w 5.5 x h 3.0 cm
Mini grain farmer roll: l 14.0 x w 7.0 x h 4.5 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 40 g, 150 pieces / carton
36 cartons/pallets