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Mix box Gourmet Rustical, 4 different sorts

Mix box Gourmet Rustical, 4 different sorts

Item no. 1639

Mixing box with baguettes in the following varieties:

- Baguette Ancienne (1)
- Twisted baguette (2)
- Bouchette Cerealia (3)
- Fitness flute (4)

With this box you get a selected mix of handmade baguettes. Whether for breakfast, as an appetizer, as an accompaniment to the main course or for the bread basket – this mixing box is ideal for any gastronomy, hotel industry or your bakery.

- Versatile use
- Rustic look

Baguette Ancienne: l 53.0 x w 10.0 x h 6.0 cm
Twisted baguette: l 51.0 x w 10.0 x h 6.0 cm
Bouchette Cerealia: l 53.0 x w 11.0 x h 4.5 cm
Fitness flute: l 46.0 x w 8,0 x h 4.5 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 500 g, 16 pieces / carton
24 cartons/pallets