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Butter Croissant XXL

Butter Croissant XXL

Item no. 1403

Bake-up doughs are space-saving and only expand to full size in the oven. The fine-leaved croissants in XXL format consist of 24 % of the finest butter and thus offer a juicy croissant pleasure. Serve the high-quality pastries for breakfast, hot drink or as a snack. Thanks to its well-balanced formula, it goes well with sweet and savoury toppings.

- Directly into the oven without proofing time
- Already smoothed off
- Saves on storage space and costs

Measurements: l 13.5 x w 6 x h 1.5 cm

Convenience level: doughproduct , deep frozen

Weight 80 g, 70 pieces / carton
112 cartons/pallets