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Crusty Roll Mixbox, 3 different sorts

Crusty Roll Mixbox, 3 different sorts

Item no. 127

The roll from our favourite crispy world in 3 sorts 33 pieces: - natural (1) - poppy seed (2) -sesame seed(3) The crispy roll trio with the 3 favourite sorts should not be missing on the breakfast buffet. The real baked rolls convince with an attractive cut and taste great not only with sweet jam but also with savory spread, aromatic cheese and many more. Due to its long form it is ideal for creative sandwich ideas.

- Popular buffet item
- Completely without additives
- Sweet and savory

Measurements: l 11 x w 7.5 x h 5 cm

Convenience level: parbaked , deep frozen

Weight 70 g, 99 pieces / carton
28 cartons/pallets